
"Home is wherever my bunch of crazies are"
Well this is it. I've finally started a blog. 
I've only talked about it for the past 2 years, I'm all about action you see...don't waste any time. 
But seriously this is just going to give me a reason to delete my Facebook. 
I'll try updating every Sunday on random stuff that's going on throughout our week. Mostly going to just be a spam of Aurora photos. But who's complaining?

I'll just do a quick update (or intro?) right now.

Kim here, the person mindlessly tapping at her keyboard, stay at home mom that spends her free time cooking, baking, drinking beer, taking photos, and doing any sort of hands on project I can think of. Also, kicking mental health's ass with a little dose of med's and a large dose of self care. 

I'm married to a big ol' nerd Tyler. Currently he is a Staff SGT in the Air Force, he's also a college addict working for his Masters and already talking about another degree (can't stop, won't stop). Spends his free time getting on my nerves (kidding?), tinkering, and loving his family hardcore. 

We got super lucky with a little miniature version of us, her name is Aurora. She's one and probably the craziest little girl I've ever met. Her favorite things are her stuffed animals, her books, and climbing on EVERYTHING.

Our family is rounded out with a fluffy Australian Shepherd that shed's a pound a day and is so spoiled and pitiful it hurts. She's a big collector of the fluffy and squeaky things. She also is working on her Masters unstuffing toys that is.

We spend our weekends together binge watching shows and eating good food. We're pretty big homebodies but when the weather is nice you'll find us outside and about 75% of the time I'll have my camera in their faces. We are all pretty big into music of all kinds, just depends on the day.

We're currently trapped within the confines of South Dakota where the wind will blow your face off and the weather likes to mess with your mind. Tyler is getting out of the military and we'll be moving in about four and a half months to Indiana and we cannot wait! It's where I'm from. It's actually where we got married so its kind of cool that we'll be living there. I actually haven't even told everyone so...SURPRISE. Didn't want to get any hopes up, but it looks pretty solid right now.

No beer was actually consumed by the baby, calm down.

  So Sassy. Oh, so sassy.

Anyhow, this is going to be my one stop shop for family and friends for the following questions.

"Could you post more photos of our baby?"
"Hey, could you make me one?"
"OH, can I get the recipe!?"
"How do you stay sane?"
"Where are you moving now!?"

I'm going to try and make this work. I'm not the greatest with follow through on big projects because of a lack of actual free time and well, I have a wild pretoddler planning my schedule so, ya know. Let's see how long I can keep this up! Even if this just ends up being for me, I'll be pleased. 

"Catchy ender."

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