Mommin' Ain't Easy

"Successful Mothers are not the ones that have never struggled
they are the ones that never give up, despite the struggles." -Sharon Jaynes

⇣Scroll to the bottom for recipes⇣

Every holiday I get super pumped about making my loved ones handmade gifts because I LOVE handmade items. More often than not though I end up finishing them and then stashing them away because they didn't turn out exactly how I wanted, or I can't get something to work. (Sewing machine, Cameo, Screen Printer, etc.)

This Mother's day was a struggle! I set out to make bath bombs, foot print plaques, essential oil diffuser necklaces, and handmade cards. I accomplished 50% of my goals before it started to go downhill and I spiraled into a depression about how I couldn't get anything to work out how I wanted.

ALL of that being said! (pouring large cup of coffee)

Mother's Day!
Gram's, mama's, sister's; it's gonna be late and it's gonna be underwhelming.
Mommin' and my mental illness (bitch is a bully) got the best of me this week.

Making Cards one lick at a time. Yuck!

I've been pretty lucky when it comes to the strong women in my life. I've learned lessons from each and every one of them, shared good and not great experiences with them, and loved them through it all. I've used them as guidelines to figure out what kind of mom I want to be. Hell, what kind of person I want to be.

Part of my reason behind getting so stressed out around holiday's and wanting everything SO perfect is they all deserve so much! I don't know how to produce what they deserve. Maybe it's impossible.

You ladies rock and I'm sorry if I've failed to let that be more obvious. Thank you for putting up with all of the stages of my life, I mean ALL of the stages.

You know when you were a kid and you would cut and paste out of a magazine and create collages? No, just me. I mean I had everything planned in magazine collages. I even had stuff hanging on my wall as some sort of a game plan, I had it all figured out. (well I thought I did)

That's what I feel like I do with all the ladies in my life. **Hold on that took a dark turn. No real cutting is involved in this.**

I've absorbed bits and pieces of how all of the women in my life parent or how they deal with certain aspects of motherhood and I have this ultimate mom goal in my mind. I probably will never reach said goal. I'll most likely just keep adding onto it.

It's like when you're on a hike and you say "oh, I'll just push it up to that rock and then I'll take a break" and then when you make it to that rock you push it further and further. Keep bettering yourself, keep growing, keep learning, & just be the best possible mom (or just person) you can be. Mom Goals are good, but they're guidelines. Do what's best for you, your children, and your mental health.

I know I speak about mental health A LOT.

It's just so important to me and it's a big part of my everyday life. It'd be like you having a cat and never telling anyone you have a cat. It's weird and makes me question why you keep your poor cat a secret. Like, we see the hair Karen. Embrace your cat ownership. Own that shit. NO, just kidding you can keep your cat a secret. It's fine.

But I'm going to be super open about my cat ownership...I mean mental health. I don't want other people that deal with what I deal with to think for one second that they are alone. Alone is a dark place to be.

To get back on track though. I accomplished sending out the boxes! So, there's that. Considering I still have Christmas Presents stashed in our Guest Bedroom I'd say I did pretty good this holiday.

One lucky mama.

I had a wonderful Mother's Day. Tyler surprised me with a girls trip to see my Best Friends in Vegas, baby free. I'm super excited but also super nervous. I've never been apart from Aurora for so long. I typically have a hard time even on date nights so this should be interesting. Any tips to not be a ball of emotions the whole time are welcomed.

Breakfast and Coffee were made for me when I woke up, we got to go see the bears at Bear Country, I took a ridiculously long bath, & I got my request of French Toast for dinner. Aurora was in a good mood too! No teething symptoms. I think that might have been her gift for me for Mother's Day. I wouldn't have had my Mother's Day any other way.

I hope all you mama's were spoiled as well! You deserve the world.

Bear watching with Dada.

Getcha Craft on

Bath Bombs

1 Cup- Baking Soda
1/2 Cup- Epsom Salt
1/2 Cup- Corn Starch
1/2 Cup- Citric Acid
3 T- Melted Coconut Oil
1 t- Water
12 drops- Essential Oils
(I used Frankincense & Orange)
Color of choice
Decorative Glitter
(Can be purchased at Michael's 
in the baking section.)
1. Mix together dry ingredients in LG bowl.
2. Mix together wet ingredients in SM bowl.
3. Slowly pour wet ingredients into dry ingredients.
4. Working it through your hands will help with an even distribution of the color.
5. Use molds to form bombs and let dry 24 hours before using.

Salt Dough

4 Cups- Flour
1 Cup- Salt
1.5 Cup- Warm Water

1. Mix all ingredients and knead until smooth.
(I knead for about 10 minutes.)
2. Bake at 200 F for one hour, flip, and bake for another hour.
Repeat until dry.

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